Kahilu is excited to kick off the 2023-24 season with Hawaiʻi’s top-selling female artist, AMY HĀNAIALIʻI performing live and in-person at Kahilu Theatre on Saturday, September 9, 2023, at 7pm HST. Amy will pay tribute to her award-winning song “Pālehua,” one of Hawai‘i’s most famous songs, and one of the world’s most danced-to songs among hula hālau across the globe.
Pālehua, a beautiful mountain on O‘ahu, inspired creative magic when Amy Hānaiali‘i and the late Uncle Willie K united their talents there 25 years ago to compose some of Hawai‘i’s most beloved songs. The song, “Pālehua,” was written in tribute to this magical place and it became an instant classic. Honolulu Magazine named it one of the “best 50 songs ever written.” To celebrate the 25-year milestone Amy and Kumu Micah Kamohoali‘i have written a new verse for the song. Amy has also recorded this new verse in two additional languages, Japanese and French.
Join Amy Hānaialiʻi and her band as we celebrate 25 years of “Pālehua” at our season opener in-person and only at Kahilu on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 7pm HST. We are delighted to be able to offer In-Person tickets ranging in price from $35 – $65 and can be purchased at KahiluTheatre.org.
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